Cover Design • Interior Layout • Art Direction

Building a Scholarly Career

The ATS Guide to Religious and Theological Publishing

The Association of Theological Schools

The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) is the accrediting agency for all seminaries in North America. They wanted to create a resource to empower their members to publish their doctoral work. Their team wrote a manual on theological publishing, and commissioned us to transform their manuscript into a sort of scholarly field guide.

For the cover, we chose a single color from the ATS brand color palette, utilizing typography to create a simple, elevated texture.

For the interior, we chose a stately serif font for the body text to capture the tradition of scholarship. The elegant sans serif used in headings and pull quotes anticipates the future of theological education.

The crowing achievement of this publishing project was the fold-out “map” set in the back of the book. An infographic of the various types of publishing and the reputable companies and agencies within each, this resource simplifies the complex theological publishing landscape for readers.


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