Our Mission

We help to publish good books that build the Kingdom of God, while blessing our authors & clients along the way.

To that end, we intentionally seek to partner with folks whose mission and message we can help champion. We bring our dedicated team of industry professionals to help you develop your book from the inside out, and you keep all the rights and royalties.

Our Story

We launched Humble Books out of a deep desire to do meaningful work for the Kingdom of God in a way that honors God, builds relationships, and stewards biblical truth. This is the heartbeat of all that we do.

Our Founder

Christian Rafetto

Christian has worked in the publishing industry for nearly a decade, doing everything from cover design and art direction to marketing, project management, and acquisitions. His passion is creating beautiful, excellent books that encourage readers to love Jesus more and live more like Him.

His greatest inspiration comes from classic books by C. S. Lewis, George MacDonald, Dorothy Sayers, A. W. Tozer, Andrew Murray, Charles Spurgeon, Wendell Berry… and Shel Silverstein.

He is joyfully married to the love of his life. They have five incredible kids, and make their home in the Appalachian mountains of Pennsylvania. They live on a small homestead, where they raise mostly children, but also some chickens and goats… and hopefully cows, pigs, and sheep one day.

* This symbol is The Hand of Blessing from ancient Christian iconography. We seek to be a blessing to our authors and readers. Also, we nerd out about ancient Christian art.